
Showing posts from September, 2020

CANVAS Tweety & Sylvester

  I was not understanding this canvas coding at all.  Literally I would wake up watch tutorials, not understand this go to bed and have nightmares about canvas , because I seriously thought I was going to fail this assignment.  I watched the tutorials about a million day watching Professor E. help another student, everything just clicked.  So don't get discouraged, if I can do it so can you.  This took me approximately 24 hours from start to finish, the second time.  I had to do this twice, the first one I did not layer everything properly, so I scrapped it and started fresh...whole lot easier the 2nd time around LOL /// BACKGROUND var bkgdgrd = context.createRadialGradient(mouseX,mouseY,75,mouseX,mouseY,600); bkgdgrd.addColorStop(.05, "rgba(255,192,203,1.00)"); bkgdgrd.addColorStop(.25, "rgba(0,0,255,1.00)"); bkgdgrd.addColorStop(.55, "rgba(0,128,0,1.00)"); bkgdgrd.addColorStop(.55, "rgba(128,0,128,1.00)")...